New York Muslim grassroots organizations have led a joint effort in rallying nearly 4,000 people in taking a stand against Islamophobia, racism, and xenophobia. The rally began with a beautiful recitation of the Holy Qur’an, with many in the crowd reciting Surat al-Fatiha in unison. The rally included a mix of speakers including interfaith alliances with the Jewish, Christian, and African American community. Moreover, Muslim leadership from across the nation including, Dr. Ayman Hammouz of MAS National, Abu Ahmed Nuruzzaman of MUNA, and Javed Siddiqi of ICNA National have stood in solidarity with New Yorkers. To view Majlis Ash-Shura’s remarks during the rally, click here for Dr. Abdelhafidh, President of Majlis Ash-Shura, or click here for Raja Abdulhaq, the Executive Director.

The Muslim speakers in attendance reflected the diversity of the Muslim community featuring perspectives from Arab, African-American, African, South Asian, and Turkish voices. Imams came together to represent their communities outside of the mosque, with a powerful speech delivered by Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid. (Click here to listen) Participants amplified insightful discourses into the nature of Islamophobia.
Beyond challenging American Islamophobia, the rally showed solidarity with Kashmir, Rohingyans, undocumented immigrants, and the rise of global Islamophobia and xenophobia connected to foreign policy and white supremacy. Crowds chanted “From Palestine to Mexico all the walls have got to go” as a way to connect all these struggles.

The rally was proof that New Yorkers come through for one another during times of need. From 47th street and Broadway all the way to Columbus Circle, marchers remembered the names of the 51 Muslim victims killed in the Christchurch massacre and chanted in unison making their message clear to white supremacists. The rally to Unite Against Islamophobia beautifully concluded with marchers praying ‘Asr in congregation.