• May 7, 2021

    Majlis Ash-Shura Calls on the Muslim Community to Stand in Solidarity with Palestinians Facing Persecution During Ramadan & Condemns Israel’s Violence, Occupation & Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians

    (New York, NY. 05/07/2021) – In the holy month of Ramadan, as Muslims globally retreat spiritually to connect with their Lord, Palestinians have been fighting to defend their homes, their

  • March 17, 2021

    Majlis Ash-Shura Grieves the Victims of Atlanta, Georgia Asian American Hate Crime

    (New York, NY. 03/17/2021) – As this nation witnessed a tide in hatred and bigotry towards our fellow Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, we woke up to the unsettling

  • January 11, 2021

    The Islamic Leadership Council of New York Demands an Apology from Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School for Condoning Islamophobia

    Islamophobic incidents that occurred in 2019 at Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts have recently surfaced on the internet. LaGuardia High School has failed to appropriately take

  • January 4, 2021

    The Islamic Leadership Council of NY Calls for Lori Maslow’s Resignation after Anti-Palestinian Hate Speech

    Recently, a Democrat District Leader of the 41st Assembly District (Brooklyn), made disparaging and hateful remarks about Palestinians and Chinese Americans in a series of tweets. While she subsequently apologized

  • October 7, 2020

    Majlis Ash-Shura of New York Denounces French President Macron’s Islamist Separatism Law

    (New York, NY 10/07/2020) The French President Emmanuel Macron has consistently targeted the French Muslim community through Islamophobic rhetoric and policies. His new law, intentionally mislabeled as “Islamist Separatism,” seeks

  • September 8, 2020

    Majlis Ash-Shura of New York Condemns Charlie Hebdo’s Offensive Imagery of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

    (New York, NY 09/08/2020) Charlie Hebdo, a French satire magazine known for provoking various marginalized communities with offensive cartoons, has recently republished insulting and derogatory images of the Prophet Muhammad

  • August 3, 2020

    Majlis Ash-Shura Condemns the Times Square Celebration of Hindutva Nationalism and Mosque Destruction

    (New York, NY 08/03/2020) -On August 5th, Hindutva supremacist groups will celebrate the construction of a Hindu Temple at Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya, the very location where the historical Babri Mosque

  • May 27, 2020

    Majlis Ash-Shura Condemns Minneapolis Police Brutality & Murder of George Floyd

    (New York, NY. 05/27/2020) –  Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of New York strongly condemns the reprehensible murder of George Floyd at the hands of four police officers. The scourge

  • May 21, 2020

    Majlis Ash-Shura & NY Muslim Community Oppose Bill A. 10399 to Ban Butcher Shops in New York City

    In light of the recent Bill A.10399/S.08291 introduced by Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan) and State Senator Luis Sepúlveda (D-Bronx) to effectively ban all markets that sell freshly slaughtered livestock in

  • February 28, 2020

    Majlis Ash-Shura Condemns Bloomberg’s Stance on Muslim Surveillance

    (New York, NY. 02/28/2020) – In a recent interview on PBS NewsHour, Democratic presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg, attempted to defend his heinous and discriminatory policy of the secret surveillance program